March 24, 2009

The Left Needs a Bailout

Seven and a half years have past since 9/11, the foundational event of the century that has shaken the political landscape, making the left and the right no longer feasible labels for politics. Journalists, commentators, academics, writers, and pundits who still associate themselves in the traditional left/right paradigm are dead men commenting on surface issues. They handle dead matter, the dry leaves of an issue, and never the root. A couple of reasons can explain their current response, one is that they are too afraid to get their hands dirty, and/or two, they have not open their eyes before them and stared clearly at reality, at all the facts and evidence presented. Their commenting on world issues from a fixed and predetermined paradigm, something like an inside-job is so out of their territory of analysis that they simply refuse to believe it. And it's not just on foreign policy issues that they're wrong but their analysis is not centered in reality on the recent financial fiasco/takeover/robbery in America as well. They blame the free market for creating economic crisis even when all things point to a corporate and fascist system that has used every tool at its disposal to squeeze the American worker and increase their profits. The government is still a pure entity to these sweethearts. They really are sweethearts. They can't for a minute imagine the evil elite's shadowy presence in world events. Just for the record, I'm not entirely bought into the conspiracy theories, I think a wide range of social dynamics can explain reality. For example, the evil elite did not force millions of American workers to take out trillions in loans to buy extravagant items and useless products.

The American people are culpable as well, and they are as corrupt as their overlords. So the public raising a stink about AIG executives receiving bonuses is sheer hypocrisy on the part of the public. Where do you think these CEO's and money managers come from? From the moon? They come from the same American culture. Please, stop the bullshit, blaming the whole crisis on capitalists and Wall Street is counter-productive. We must change the culture, and that begins with educating people that they are not innocent, and they never were. What made the Abolitionists special is their commitment to individual conscience and refusing to blame everything on the southern slaveholders or the northern bankers. The American people don't profit as much as the top crooks from this system, but they profit nonetheless. And most of the left fails to acknowledge this, instead, blaming everything on market gurus, wall street stock brokers, and greedy CEOs. As a result they're analysis of both the empire's foreign policy and its domestic policy is bankrupt. They need a bailout, but they don't deserve one and their not getting one from me. The whole left/right paradigm is shattering, and a whole new politics is emerging, one grounded in reality and that stays true to facts, both historical and contemporary. The age of mythic politics is coming to a close. New parties will form and grow. The last republican president was Bush. The last democrat president will be Obama. The right has split and shattered, and may the same happen to the left.