March 28, 2009

The Mother Ship of Oligarchy

It is common knowledge now among bright, independent and educated people to describe America as oligarchic and elitist and not a free and democratic nation. Blame can no longer be put on Bush and the Republicans, that would be grossly dishonest. But to see the two party dictatorship is not the entire picture either and as new developments emerge mainstream society will finally begin to see the true face of the economic manipulators, con men and masters of the money dynasty. Glenn Greenwald's most recent post is about about former IMF employee Desmond Lachman's comparisons of the U.S regime's response to the current crisis to the governments of Russia and Argentina during their financial crisis. Greenwald asks in the article:
The key dynamic underlying all of this -- the linchpin that allows it all to happen and, historically, the primary hallmark of a deeply broken nation -- is the total elimination of the rule of law for the ruling class, with a simultaneous intensification of the law as a weapon against the citizenry. Does anyone expect there to be any widespread prosecutions for those most responsible for the looting, systematic fraud and grand-scale theft of the last decade?
The many Third World countries who are controlled by oligarchs are mere outposts of the American empire. America is the mother ship of oligarchy in the modern day and that's why the world's poor is looking to America's poor for leadership and root out the banksters and their political benefactors. If there is no resistance here then it doesn't matter how much and to what length the rest of the world resists. If you think a Revolution is too soon to suggest or too extreme, I ask you, in a country run by outlaws who's disdain for the masses supersedes all previous elites, how can you expect anything but a Revolution to make things right? America is a country of legal bribery, and it is ruled not by laws but by men. But it is also the country of the gun. The people of the Third World have have lacked the adequate resources to push back against American-sponsored tyranny but America's hyper power military is containable in one part of the world, America. You may say the odds are stacked against the common citizen but the same was said about America's first resistance to the moneyed aristocracy who were then located in Britain. Truth is, there can be no real health care reform or any kind of reform without first overthrowing the current men who rule America. Until that day comes, America is a country of slaves.