May 2, 2012

The Obama-Corzine Syndrome: Playing With The House's Chips

Obama Is Bluffing. He Didn't Really Order The Killing of Osama Bin Laden. Why? Because It Is Impossible To Kill A Ghost.

President "Barack Obama" is playing a winning hand in the 2012 presidential election, but he is playing with the house's chips. Obama's ace in the hole, the "I killed Bin Laden" card, is a total fake. The card is actually a Joker. Obama is bluffing big time. Bin Laden had been dead before Obama was even elected as a Senator. He couldn't have ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden because it is impossible to kill a ghost. That's not a conspiracy theory.

The belief that a man can't kill a ghost is not a conspiratorial belief, it is a scientific belief. It sounds absurd to say this, but we live in the age of the absurd so we have no choice but to actually say it. The brainwashing of the public is so deep, so powerful, and so systematic that acknowledging life's laws is regarded as conspiracy theorizing.

I know Obama is supposed to be some kind of Superman from the planet Nibiru, but even Obama does not have paranormal powers. He is not a ghostbuster. If it were possible to kill ghosts, we would all "order" the killing of the ghosts of Hitler and Stalin. But those are childhood dreams. Demons like Hitler and Osama are ghosts, and they should not be brought back to life. But that is what Obama is doing with Osama, and it is what Netanyahu is doing with Hitler in order to spread fear about Iran.

The fact that Osama Bin Laden died nearly a decade before his official death is being buried under the table. Nobody in the mainstream is saying anything because the dealer is bought off, and Obama's straight-faced opponent, Mitt Romney, is not going to challenge the structural and political integrity of the casino by calling Obama out on playing the Bin Laden card with so much selfishness.

Obama's team has made a huge mistake by overplaying the Bin Laden hand in this election, because it is the house's hand, not Obama's hand. It should not have been politicized to such a degree by Obama's campaign strategists. This move is a big risk because it has the potential of damaging not just Obama's image and Romney's chances, but the infrastructure of the entire house. 

Releasing political ads that portray Obama as a leader with great courage and competence will come to haunt the President and the United States in the future. It would've been politically smarter if Obama only said a few words to mark the occasion alongside some troops, rather than exploiting the death of the dragon by celebrating like Beowulf. 

But Obama is merely following tradition by inventing successes and using the military as a prop to secure his second term. So many other top level political insiders make bets with the house's chips and then hide behind the flag and country to save their skin. Jon Corzine, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs and MF Global, stole money from his clients and for his punishment Uncle Sam patted him on the back.

In a rigged casino, the only people who receive pain are the customers. If Washington and Wall Street have their way with America, the 99.9 percent of American citizens will be punished for no good reason, while corrupt insiders like Obama and Corzine will get away with monstrous lies and crimes.

II. Life Is A Fantasy TV Show With The American President As Host
"Edward Blake: Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense." - Watchmen (2009).
We're supposed to believe that Obama the Comedian killed Osama the Demon. Very dramatic. Very epic. But that isn't the reality. This is a plot taken out of fantasy literature. Obama didn't write the end of Osama Bin Laden. He is a mere actor on a stage, not the author of history.

Obama makes a lot of jokes, but the biggest joke is the war on terror. The world has been punk'd by the pranksters in Washington, London, and Tel Aviv who engineered the 9/11 and 7/7 events. Let's leave aside their evil natures and their millions of innocent victims for now, and just concentrate on how grand and entertaining a show they're putting on for the public. Just from a purely comedic point of view, it is genius.

It's hard not to laugh. I think it's harder to stay mad than to laugh. It doesn't hurt to honour the devilish side of man on some level. At least the Devil is funny. Obama is a mass killer, sure, but at least he can laugh at himself. I doubt Hitler and Stalin could've said that. So, let's not compare Obama to those monsters who took themselves too seriously because the comparison is a false one. Obama has a lighter step.

III. Deathocracy: Tragedy And Death Are Election Tools In Washington

President Bush exploited the deaths of 3,000 victims on September 11, 2001. President Obama is exploiting the official death of Osama Bin Laden. Notice a trend? Death is not sacred in the Washington universe. Life is cheap. And a national tragedy is a political campaign tool. See: 9/11. See: Trayvon Martin.

Winning elections and popularizing wars are the only things that matter to American politicians. America does not have a democracy. It has a deathocracy. The National Security State has gained god-like power from the deaths of John F. Kennedy, 9/11 victims, and Osama Bin Laden.

Imagine how much power they will get if Obama is mysteriously assassinated. America will go crazy, and the power of the globalists-zionists cabal will increase tenfold.

Obama has been built up as a Messiah but he is an expendable pawn whose death could be used to accelerate the transformation of America.

Picture the propaganda: "Obama, America's first black president who heroically delivered Osama into Satan's waiting arms, has been robbed from us by a right-wing Christian radical." "He slayed the Muslim terrorist, but it was the Christian terrorist that got him in the end." "He protected the homeland by burying the monster that struck America from beyond her shores, all the while the unburied demons of America's racist past were busying plotting his demise." "Obama, our sun and our light in an hour of great crisis, was taken out by terrorists, and now darkness fills us all. But we cannot let the radicals and terrorists win. We must be strong and keep alive the spirit of hope that Obama impregnated in our collapsing hearts in the short time that he was our Dear Leader."

If this assassination were to happen, many hidden agendas would gain new social and political momentum. The next day, gun rights will be taken away, the military-industrial complex will fully take over, diverging political factions will fall into line, and the positive characteristics of Martial Law will be trumpeted throughout the media by teary-eyed news anchors. It will work like magic.