August 13, 2012

ORyan's Belt Is Around America's Neck

"Orion’s Belt points to Sirius. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky." -

"Sirius represents Isis." - The Origin of the Zodiac.
"Lucifer represents the black Sun or Sirius or perhaps the Galactic Sun also. Lucifer is the light bearer and the sun is the light bringer, so in effect Lucifer delivers the knowledge of the truth of existence from the aliens to the illuminated or illuminati of this Earth. Hence Lucifer is the messenger and gives to the illuminati more light as said by the freemasons." - From the blog Esoteric Occultism in an article called, "Symbols of the Extraterrestrials," by HiddenLight777.
Mainstream political commentators are saying that the introduction of Paul Ryan into the 2012 U.S. presidential drama has added much-needed fire to the political debate. His presence in the race supposedly makes it clear to the voters that Obama's philosophy of government is vastly different from his challenger-in-chief, Mitt Romney.

The White House and its media mouthpieces are preparing the American people for the Great Debate between the unemphatic slashers of Medicare and the proud defenders of the middle class.

This dishonest narrative adds to the illusion that America is a democratic country where the opinion of the American people actually matters. But, once we take a collective step back from the mad show, it is obvious that there is only one choice for American voters this November: Obamney/ORyan, Lucifer-in-Chief.

II. The Myth of Free Choice In American Politics

The myth of Western democracy is almost reaching its end. In the last several decades the most politically and spiritually aware citizens of the West have disengaged from politics because they know their voices don't count. But there are still millions of gullible people who naively believe that politicians like Obama and Romney are independent political leaders who have different plans for America.

There is also a higher class of people within Western society who politically and emotionally pressure the gullible voters into supporting one of the two ideological camps. They are political drug pushers, except the products they're selling are politicians. Chris Floyd wrote about the Obama-pushers in his article, "Bonfire of the Vanities: Robert Parry and the Red Mist of Partisanship."

Basically, the Obama-pushers are telling American voters: "Hey man, check this drug out. It is so much better than the other one on the market. Take this and feel better. Don't spoil the game, man. Join this trip. It'll be fun. But it only works if you take the Democratic drug because the Republican drug is not good for you." The Romney-pushers operate in the opposite fashion, and make the counter arguments . But whichever of the two drugs the voters decide to take, the trip is the same.

As Paul Craig Roberts put it in his article, "The Next Election: High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issues":
"Don’t expect the packaged political campaign of the next couple of months to deal with any significant issue. Americans are oblivious of their fate, and so apparently is the rest of the world.

The selection of the next president of the US will depend on one thing alone–which of the two candidates financed by the ruling private oligarchy has the most effective propaganda.

Whether you vote Republican or Democrat, the oligarchs will win."
The deciding factor in the 2012 presidential race will not be the policies of the candidates but their personalities. Obama and Romney are both cold and distant, but Obama comes off as way more personable so he'll win. Romney and Ryan can't rile up a crowd the way Obama and Biden can.

Some people think Romney threw in the towel a long time ago and that his decision to pick Ryan as his VP is a signal that he is forfeiting the race to Obama. I don't know about that but it would explain a lot.

In Obama's second term, the real economic collapse will begin. The banking elite have propped up the rotten financial system for the last four years in order to maintain Obama's approval ratings at a decent level so the American people don't totally abandon him. But come January 2013, Obama's team can breathe a sigh of relief and confidently move forward with their secret agenda to transform America based on a totalitarian blueprint.

III. Democracy or Divinity? Understanding America's Preoccupation With Israel and Iran

Israel and Iran are theocratic states. Iran is openly theocratic, its people are ruled by the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists, but Israel's high priests are more clever because they rule covertly.

The public leaders of Israel claim that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, but this statement couldn't be further from the truth. As the website "poorrichards blog" states on its main page, "Zionism is building a throne in "greater Israel" for the anti-christ."

What about America? Is it a democratic country? Do its people decide elections? If not, then who does? And if America is not a constitutional republic then what is it?

When we look past the surface of events and personalities, we find that America is also led by divinely inspired leaders just like Israel and Iran. But they falsely claim in public that their religious beliefs do not have any impact on their decisions and foreign policy. However, the false flag September 11 events proves they are lying to the American people and the world.

American leaders are assisting the rise of the Anti-Christ system, and giving the Zionists in Israel all the weapons and propaganda cover they need.

In December 2008, the writer Les Visible of the website Smoking Mirrors wrote in an article called, "The Rise of the Anti-Christ in the Nation from Hell":
"If there’s a God then Israel appears to be the throne of the Devil. It’s possible that the anti Christ is not a person but a nation. In any case, those he rules are part and parcel of the package. It’s eerie indeed to see the old prophecies of the anti-Christ who is said to arise in the Middle East around this time and to see that, in fact, there is one nation seeking to plunge the Earth into global war. Only one nation is assaulting it’s neighbors and blackmailing the super powers into wiping out it’s alleged enemies based on an assault that this nation engineered in the land of the biggest super power of all; soon to be less than super."
If Israel and America represent the Anti-Christ, then that means Iran's saviour, Imam Mahdi, should be on his way, right? 

Apparently, the coming of Imam Mahdi for the Muslims is the same as the second coming of Jesus Christ for the Christians.

In September 2009, NBC's Ann Curry asked Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about his views on the Mahdi, and its spiritual significance. He said:
Ahmadinejad: What is being said about an apocalyptic war and – global war, things of that nature. This is what the Zionists are claiming. Imam…will come with logic, with culture, with science. He will come so that there is no more war. No more enmity, hatred. No more conflict. He will call on everyone to enter a brotherly love. Of course, he will return with Jesus Christ. The two will come back together. And working together, they would fill this world with love. The stories that have been disseminated around the world about extensive war, apocalyptic wars, so on and so forth, these are false.
Israel's creation in 1948 was no doubt a biblical event. And the current Israeli leadership has been criticized within Israel for its blatant messianic behaviour. Yuval Diskin, the former head of Shin Bet, said in April: "I have no faith in the prime minister, nor in the defence minister. I really don’t have faith in a leadership that makes decisions out of messianic feelings."

Upon reading these statements, the question must be asked: Are American leaders also messianic thinkers? Do Obama and Romney share Netanyahu's messianic drive to attack Iran?

Forget Medicare and farm subsidies. America needs to have a debate about the consequences of attacking Iran and standing beside the messianic leadership in Israel.

On April 30, 2012, Winston P. Nagan, the "Sam T. Dell Research Scholar Professor of Law, Trustee of the World Academy of Art and Science and a fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts," wrote in his article, "Messianic Hysteria and the Drumbeat of the Gods of War: Netanyahu v. Khomeini":
"It will be obvious that the messianic leadership in Israel today is leading Israel in a direction that is the opposite of where it ought to be. It would be vitally important that American interest groups not be seen to aid and abet in this direction, which points only to negative consequences. The American Jewish community has been given an important signal, and it is time that their voices be heard as voices of moderation, and rational restraint rather than voices of intolerant and delusional fantasy."
Hopefully, sanity will prevail and USrael won't attack Iran.

But I have my doubts about that